
Niharika Nm biography, age, net worth, movie & more

This question arises in all of your minds that how many students are there who show laziness before the exam, one such YouTuber is Niharika NM who makes videos on YouTube related to type, I mean different types in students before these exams and types of psychology people. Niharika NM’s videos are related to this and people also like this video, apart from this, she also has more than one million subscribers on YouTube and not only this, Niharika NM earns at least crores every month through her YouTube and also makes videos about her daily activities on her YouTube channel.

Niharika Nm biography

Niharika NM was born on 4 July 1997 in a Hindu family in Bengaluru District of Karnataka state. Niharika currently lives in Mumbai with her parents. While living in Mumbai, she saw and felt the theatre closely. After this, she decided to make YouTube videos and started making them. At first, she was disappointed but as her videos improved, the views and subscribers of her videos increased. Niharika NM is also a promising student. She has scored more than 90% marks in high school, that too from ICSE board because ICSE board is considered to be a very difficult board. The name of Niharika NM’s school is not known. We only know that she is a social media star and YouTube star who has created havoc on YouTube because any of her videos gets millions of views within 24 hours and her videos make people laugh till their stomachs fill with laughter.  

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Niharika Nm real Name

Niharika NM’s real name is Niharika Nirmal Pillai. This name does not suit YouTube, so she named the YouTube channel Niharika NM because YouTube is a world OTT platform, so the name on it should also be professional. For her professional name, she thought it appropriate not to write NM’s full name Nirmal Pillai, she wrote only NM and her name was searched so much on YouTube. People were also searching what is her full name. She recently revealed that her full name is Niharika Nirmal Pillai, but even after this, people are searching what are the names of her parents, so there is not much information about that either.

Niharika NM Movies

Niharika NM is a social media star and not a Bollywood actress, although she is trying to make a place in Bollywood because she is only 27 years old right now. Therefore, she is also trying to make a place in Bollywood. For this, she gave many auditions from Tollywood to Bollywood, but she was not selected for any project because in Bollywood and Tollywood people give more preference to nepotism than talent, that is why no one can become an actor easily.

Niharika Nm Education

Niharika NM, who is trending on social media by making such types of videos, has not got her education from here but also from abroad. She has done her MBA from California and BTech from Bangalore. Niharika Niharika NM was asked in an interview that if you wanted, you could have settled in Bangalore and made your career, but why did you choose to come to Mumbai? She told that I did not become an engineer, I have studied engineering for my father, I am interested in acting.

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Niharika Nm Net worth

Niharika NM’s net worth is Rs 50 lakh, she told this information in an interview given to Zee News, apart from this, she has a Swift Dzire car. And she also has a 2 BHK flat worth Rs. 30 lakhs in Mumbai where she lives with her parents. Niharika NM wants that if she has come to Mumbai to make a career, she will leave with a career. That is why whenever auditions start for any Bollywood movie, she gives every audition with the aim that maybe she will get selected for some movie.

Written by Rama Shanker

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