
Hot Weather and Your Car Seat: Cool Tips To Keep Baby Safe

Living in Thailand, a country with the warmest weather all year long that gives most of us the time to plan various activities outdoors. Yet the warmer months offer their own sets of pitfalls, especially regarding kids and car safety. Car seats are a crucial device to protect your child in the event of an accident, but they can get overheated and very uncomfortable for your baby on summer drive.

Below you will find a complete guide to summer carseat safety and tips on how to keep your child cool as well preserve their life through the power of Click Tights.

Dangers of Hot Cars and Children

Even minimally, leaving a child unattended inside of a hot car is too dangerous. Even if you try not to drive during that time,cars still become extremely hot and can be hotter than outside temperatures. Heat stroke is deadly and can lead to heat stroke causing organ damage and death.

Keep these facts in mind:

  • The National Safety Council says that in as little as 60 minutes, the inside temperature of a car can increase by 47°F (8.3°C) on an especially hot day
  • Leaving windows opened provides no significant decrease in the temperature of a vehicle.
  • Safety Note: Never leave a child alone in the car no matter what.

What Hot Weather Can Do to Car Seats

Decrypt This Is Why Car Seats Are so Hot in the Summer We will discuss these, such as a dark colored is an absorb heat and harness straps tend to trap airflow. A sweaty and uncomfortable child might begin to whine, or worse yet show aggression toward their parent during the ride which can lead to unsafe situations on top of distraction.

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How to Keep Your Child Safe and Cool in a Hot Car Seat

Read more to learn some tips on how you can keep your child cool and safe in a car seat through hot weather.

Plan Your Trips – If possible, do errands and run around at cooler parts of the day such as in early morning or late evenings.

Pre-cool the car: Before you put your child in their seat, cool down the interior of the vehicle by running air conditioning for a few minutes.

Light Dress for Your Child: You should choose loose, comfortable baby clothes made of natural fibers (cotton). Layering or dark colors are bad.

Car Seat Cover: A bright, breathable car seat cover can reflect the heat and prevent your kid from touching scorching-hot fabrics on a sunny day. Always go for the ones that are crafted with cotton or moisture-wicking covers.

Offer Your Child Water Throughout the Car Ride: Just like with adults, we should encourage kids to stay hydrated.

Breaks: Frequent breaks should be planned before long car journeys. This gives your child a chance to walk around and breathe fresh air, hopefully cooling down outside of the vehicle.

Free Tip: Do not remove your child from his car seat or loosen the harness straps to air her for cooling down. Car seat ( – their collective safety in a car accident depends on the proper installation and fastening of this thing.

More Safety Protocols

The other related safety tips for the hot weather are:

  • Shade is your Best Friend: If you have the option to park in a shaded area, utilize it whenever possible so that heat does not accumulate within the vehicle.
  • Cover the Sun: Use a car window sunshade to keep direct sunlight off of that seat and your child.
  • Do Not Leave Children Unattended – This means even a minute or two if you run an errand while the air is running. The temperature can spike in the blink of an eye, and other things beyond our control have a knack for happening.
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Conclusion: Safety and Comfort First

While life saving, car seats must be used properly and especially during hot weather your child’s comfort is crucial. These tips will keep your little one cool and safe on all road trips this summer. Safety + comfort = stress-free car rides with baby.

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